Now is the time to stop holding yourself back and start living with purpose!
Sign up for The Empowered Women Online Program and discover how amazing life can be when you reconnect with yourself!
Gain clarity so you know what you really want your life to be.
You will learn how to identify and change disempowering stories and beliefs and reclaim your power.
You will learn tools to help you stay inspired, fulfilled, and on purpose!
If you’ve ever wondered if there is more to you – and to life – than what you’re currently experiencing, then you’re totally right! When you let go of what’s not serving you and learn to empower yourself, you can finally unlock that endless well of potential that exists inside of you.
Sign up today and find out how to apply the 5 Empowerment Principles to your life:
If we embrace all of these aspects of empowerment, then the possibilities for us become endless. When we are embracing self-care, gratitude and love then it allows us to further expand what is possible for our life. It is from this place that we become clear on what our next steps are, and on why we need to take them.
Learn powerful tools for clearing mental and emotional clutter. With the clarity you’ll gain, you can focus on what you want your life to be and why. You’ll also learn techniques to ‘unhook’ yourself from other people’s stories and beliefs, so you can stay centred and grounded, no matter what’s happening in your external world. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to hold space for yourself so you can hear and trust your inner voice.
This module is the foundation for learning how to stay in your power and on purpose.
ENROL NOWFew people are conscious of the ways we sabotage and disempower ourselves. The problem is, what we aren’t aware of, we can’t change. This is why we find ourselves stuck, repeating the same old patterns. Learn how to identify and release those self-sabotaging beliefs. Once you become aware of how your unconscious has been calling the shots, you can start to embrace change.
This module is about learning how to be more vulnerable and honest with yourself, so you can transform old, limitations into tools that can help you grow and succeed.
Once you recognise your sabotaging beliefs, you are ready to reconnect to your power so you can reclaim your life, your choices, your thoughts, and your feelings. This is where you’ll give yourself permission to follow your vision and to be your own shining star. It’s where you define your unique beliefs; beliefs that become the building blocks for expressing your potential and expanding what’s possible for your life.
This module will teach you to embody empowering beliefs about yourself, others, the world, and the future.
REGISTER HEREMany of life’s problems arise from decisions made based on what other people think is right for you. It’s easy to fall into the habit of pleasing others, but this will inevitably lead only to regret and resentment, as well as wasted time, energy and money. When you’re clear on your values, you understand what does, in fact, matter to you, allowing you to make choices that serve your purpose, not someone else’s.
In this module, you’ll establish your core values so you can make decisions in alignment with this.
ENROL HEREMany women end up feeling stressed and unhappy because they focus on others' needs and expectations rather than doing what brings them joy or fulfilment. Before you know it, you’re far from your true path – some of us veer so far we totally lose ourselves with no roadmap for getting back! Learn how to find your way back to your heart so you can walk your path with purpose and vision.
In this module, you’ll discover your unique mission in life, and how to connect everything you do with your purpose.
REGISTER HEREIn order to stay connected to your purpose and mission in life, it’s important to be clear on what your next steps are and why you need to take them. With clarified goals, you have signposts along your life’s path that will help you to stay on track, even when you run into crossroads. Your goals can always serve as a beacon to show you the way, no matter what challenges you face.
In this module, you’ll learn a simple but powerful process for implementing meaningful goals with intention and purpose.
ENROL NOWIncludes:
"This it is a great opportunity to connect with yourself to find your center and be your own biggest fan if you allow yourself to be. Suzi is an amazing guide, and I say guide because she doesn't make you think anything that isn't already fully within yourself to begin with. Be open to being vulnerable to your thoughts and feelings and enjoy the journey because that's what it is."
"The Empowered Women's Bootcamp really helped me to break down some of the areas I need to work on. The major challenges I faced revolved around self-confidence, trusting myself and others, self-sabotage, as well as taking on too much to my detriment. I've started to establish some boundaries since finishing the program, which has been helpful.  "
"Abundant and resourceful coursework."
"Learning how to make decisions was incredible powerful, and how to make them in alignment with my new values. I realised that a lot of my issues and discomfort stemmed from making decisions based on what other people think or to please people and thus regretting them, making bad decisions, wasting time and money. I wish someone had taught me this as a young girl! Learning my sabotages and working through them created such a tangible physical and mental shift and I'm now much more mindful about who I am and who I want to be. "
50% Complete
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